Homeopathy is natural as the medicines are prepared mainly from minerals, plant and animal kingdom. It is therefore SAFE with no side-effects. It is not just herbal medicine or aroma therapy. It is holistic that does not single out MIND from BODY but treats it as ONE.

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Homeopathic medicines are prepared by repeatedly diluting and succussing (shaking) a preparation of the original substance, in water and alcohol. After dilution the medicine is added to lactose tablets or pillules.

Homeopathy is natural as the medicines are prepared mainly from minerals, plant and animal kingdom. It is therefore SAFE with no side-effects. It is not just herbal medicine or aroma therapy. It is holistic that does not single out MIND from BODY but treats it as ONE.
Homeopathy Health Hub
Natural Holistic Safe Effective & Affordable

What is homeopathy....
Homeopathy is a holistic medicine, considered as a part of 'CAM' i.e. Complimentary
Alternative Medicines.
Homeopathy comes from the Greek word – hómoios means like + páthos means suffering
It was discovered by a German Physician,Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, in 1796
It is based on his doctrine / principle of "similia similibus curentur" meaning "like cures like"...in other words, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if it was taken in large amounts
Homeopathic theories are based on fixed principles of the Laws of Nature which do not change -- unlike medical theories which are constantly changing" - Louise Mclean, LCCH MHMA......................................